- Yesterday the Hope Bags Team started work on the project, feedback from the team will be given via this month’s community meeting.
- This month, there will be a community meeting on google meet; Second Quarter Community meeting. It will be on the 3rd Saturday of the month as usual, kindly mark your calendar so you don’t miss out.
- This year’s 101gathering will happen at UPSA, Accra, instead of impact hub Osu. Kindly note the change.
- The official announcement about our December event will be made during the community meeting, where we will announce and discuss the event’s prospects with all members available. The Ads will follow right after the community meeting.
- BECE Starterpack at Daadaagua School (Dwendwenbadze cluster) Central Region, will be happening next month. All who would like to support this project should contact Asamoah Fianko.
Have a great month! Grace to you all.