On Saturday July 29, 7 Hope Journey Associates visited Dwendwenbadze, as a follow-up to the December Event. It is also a way to support the improvement in Education in the area. BECE is crucial to the future of these young people.
We left Nsawam at 8:17am and we arrived at Daadaagua School at 12:04pm.
The Event
The program officially commenced at 12:16pm, Hope Journey associate Asamoah Fianko took the Candidates through a brief on the Examination preparations and other essential things they must know. The program was moderated by Ebo Wilson.
The program was brought to an end at 2:01 and after remarks from both the Headteacher and Hope Journey leadership. 13 candidates received the Starterpack (two were not around due to circumstances beyond them), the Starterpack is for the school so it is being kept by the Headteacher at the Headteacher’s office.
We left the school at 3pm and got to Nsawam at 6:42pm.
The bus delayed
The bus did not come on time, causing delays and we arriving late, the late arrival of our buses is becoming a serious problem and we need to find solutions to it, it Will seriously affect the credibility of our organization.
Teachers also need something, they didn’t say it but it looked obvious.
The 2023 Starterpack was successful to the glory of God. Special thanks to colleague Associates and donors who supported us in prayer and with their resources. Grace to you.
IK. Owusu
Coordinator, Hope Journey.